04 January, 2016

December Blessings

It was a very short transfer of four weeks until we had to say good bye to fifteen marvelous missionaries and hello to only five marvelous missionaries and a super Senior Couple.  The Lord always seems to bring us blessings, even though we do not know how we will get along without those missionaries who have gone home.  We know that all missionaries are blessed by their service.  We want to especially thank all of our missionaries who have come and gone from our mission.  What great blessings you are to us, especially, of the Italy Milan Mission!

Departing Missionaries - December 10, 2015

The blessings begin again to come in the form of our new missionaries.

Sister Ferrara came first -

and then Elder Ferrara, who got caught up in customs with the heavy baggage.

We are grateful for the Ferrara Senior Couple who are serving as member/leadership support in the Ancona Branch.

Then the new young missionaries arrived.  We are going out of order of what happened at their arrival, so below are the activities of the Italy Milan Mission Class of December 2015.

Permesso training on the day after arrival.

New Missionaries and their Trainers at the Mission Office

Just the new missionaries with President and Sister Dibb

Picking up their sack lunch before going to the train station

This new coppia of Anziani seem like mirror impages of one another already.

At the arrival at the airport, Sister Dibb was able to do more hugging this time because there were four Sorelle and only one Anziano,

The Italy Milan Mission Class of December 2015

Giving a cheer for Italia on December 9, 2015

Lunch the first day.

iPad startup and instructions

Dinner at the Mission Home with the new missionaries and the Assistants to the President

Training of the Trainers in the Mission Home on the 10th of December

Anticipation before the "match-up"

New missionaries reciting Il Mio Scopo (My Purpose)

Trainers reciting Doctrine & Covenants Section 4

President Dibb training the new missionaries and their trainers together.
On December 30, 2015, the new missionaries and their companions returned to the mission offices for more training. President was interviewing the trainers because January is the month for interviews. 

Before training

During training
After training

May we remember the Savior, whose mission we perform, as we preach repentance and baptize people into His restored gospel in these latter days.

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