The end of November and December have been filled with all kinds of conferences. Zone Conferences for the eleven zones were held in six locations. A specialized training (Couples' Conference) was held for the fourteen married couples of the mission. We also had special "firesides" with Spencer Nelson, a professional basketball player in Italy, President Osguthorpe, General President of the Sunday School, President Ridd, a Counselor in the General Presidency of the Young Men, and Elder Kearon of the Area Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Spencer Nelson talking to an investigator after speaking to a group in Siena |
The missionaries with most of the Nelson Family |
December Consiglio |
Sister Training Leaders December 2013 |
Zone Leaders December 2013 |
Getting ready to begin the Couples Conference |
Discussions of materials given at the Couples Conference |
Taking pictures at the viewing of The Last Supper |
Some of the couples in front of the Duomo |
The fourteen couples in our mission |
The first Zone Conference was held in Milano for the Est and Ovest Zones.
Milano Ovest Zone |
Milano Est Zone
The next day was the Firenze Zone Conference.
Role play at Zone Conference |
How to Begin Teaching Role Play |
Zone Leaders teaching at the Firenze Zone Conference |
The Firenze Zone - December 2013 |
Two days after Firenze we went to Rimini for their Zone Conference.
Rimini Zone - December 2013 |
The next day we held the Venezia and Bologna Zone Conferences.
Sister Keeffer preparing the tables for the fabulous lunch |
Some great ward helpers at the lunch |
Bologna Zone - December 2013 |
Venezia Zone / December 2013 |
Special musical numbers and caroling were held after the meeting.
These four hatted Anziani pictured above live and sing together. They brought a lot of joy to many people at Christmas time with their caroling.