28 July, 2017

A Unique Opportunity

The opportunity to serve as an Assistant
comes only to a few
though many are capable of the task.
These are all the assistants that have served the Milano missionaries with
President Allen and were called by him during our first year.
Two - our trainers - Anziani Pesce and Barragan - were already serving
when we arrived.  They helped us "learn the ropes'.
We give our greatest appreciation to each of you.
Thank you for working diligently on behalf or this mission.
We were also spoiled.
We love you all!

In order of current to previous:
Anziani: Keller, DaPonte, Brooks, Pyper, Santoro.
We cannot adequately express our gratitude, 
but you did not come to serve us,
you came to serve the Lord.
Well done.

Outgoing Missionaries July 2017

 Our purpose was to "invite others to come unto Christ
by helping them receive the restored gospel 
through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, 
repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, 
and enduring to the end."

We also invited ourselves.
this mission was a rich, life changing, experience.
We will be ever grateful.

Grazie mille tutti!

New Missionaries!! July 26, 2017

It is like "Christmas in July"
to receive our new missionaries.
They come with big suitcases, big smiles, and big hearts.
We are grateful for the covenants they made
which inspire them and protect them
while they willingly serve
Jesus Christ
and become an important part
la Missione Italiana di Milano

 Sorella Dawson, Sorella Mineer, Sorella Johnson, (Slle Allen, Pres Allen) 

Our new missionaries with their wonderful companions!
 Welcome Anziano Ewell
Companion - Anziano Lazarte
Serving in Udine

 Welcome Anziano Tenney
Companion - Anziano Johnson
Serving in Montevarchi

 Welcome Anziano Shill
Companion - Anziano Gibb
Serving in Ravenna

 Welcome Sorella Dawson
Companion - Sorella Roloff
Serving in Muggio

 Welcome Anziano Ruger
Companion - Anziano Rogers
Serving in Lecco

 Welcome Sorella Mineer
Companion - Sorella Spader
Serving in Lodi

 Welcome Sorella Johnson
Companion - Sorella Hoffman
Serving in Bergamo

 Welcome Anziano Ochs
Companion - Anziano Moody
Serving in Pavia

 Welcome Anziano Paskett
Companion - Anziano Dixon
Serving in Udine

Welcome Anziano Heideman
Companion - Anziano Levitt
Serving in Bolzano

We have confidence in those who are asked to train 
your sons and daughters.  
They will find many important things in common:
the desire to serve, work hard, testify, be obedient and bear testimony.
They have this opportunity to be missionaries
for Jesus Christ
 in a beautiful country
with wonderful people from all over the world.
This is going to be a great experience!

Pictures from their first 24 hours:

"All are safely gathered in"
We'll take good care of them.
the Lord is on our side.