30 August, 2017

Assistants to the President

These are the assistants called by President Allen 
during our first year of service in Italy.
It is a rare opportunity to have them all together for a photo.
Anziano (Luca) Santoro in the yellow tie had already completed his 
mission and was visiting during this time.
Anziano Pyper (center) was leaving to go home in the morning.

I would like to express our appreciation for the great work they do,
not only for us, but for ALL the missionaries.
It is their "job" to assist in any way needed
and they go above and beyond what is asked of them.
Thank you Anziani!  We love and appreciate you!
Well done!

 Anziani:  Keller, Da Ponte, Brookes, Piper, and Santoro

Missing from this rare photo opportunity are our "trainer assistants"
Anziani Pesce and Barragan.
They were invaluable in helping to keep the mission "boat"
afloat while we learned what was needed and important.
I wish I had a proper picture of them both.
We have their service forever etched on our hearts.

We have been grateful to serve with all 7 great, dedicated men.
Thank you!

Our New Missionaries and Trainers

After four weeks of full-on missionary work
we bring the new missionaries 
and their trainers back for more.  
This time their eyes are wide open and they are settled
and comfortable in this new life they have chosen.
What IS this life?

Obedience.  Sacrifice.  Overcoming fears.  Loving.  
Smiling.... even when you don't feel like smiling.
Working.... even when you don't feel like working.
Serving.... even when you feel inadequate.
They have two over-arching goals:  
1 - To bring others to Christ.
2 - To become like Him themselves.

They patiently and diligently learn to do it all in a foreign language 
as Italian becomes the language of their prayers and testimonies.

They are happy and loving this work.
(For work it is. The best work.)

We are grateful to have them here.